A blog that makes you think

  • Why Better Call Saul is the Best Show on TV Today

    Why Better Call Saul is the Best Show on TV Today

    Better Call Saul is crime drama about a lawyer who gets involved with drug mafia. The story line is taut, with each episode ending on a tense note. How incredibly flexible the script must be to achieve this level of compactness so that it can allow the cameraman such freedom.

  • The Great Indian Novel : A Suitable Boy

    The Great Indian Novel : A Suitable Boy

    Perhaps James Wood put it best when he wrote about A Suitable Boy, “Such writing reminds us that there are secrets beyond technique, beyond even style, which have to do with a quality of soul on the part of the writer.”

  • Mukti Bhawan : A Masterpiece in Depth and Sensitivity

    Mukti Bhawan : A Masterpiece in Depth and Sensitivity

    Most of the scenes are underplayed brilliantly by the cast. If the camera is like a bystander, what’s happening in front of the camera is real life.