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Category: Writing

  • My Recipe For Beating Writer’s Block (Not Recommended)

    My Recipe For Beating Writer’s Block (Not Recommended)

    One amazing thing about this century is that knowledge in any branch is absolutely free. Youtube will teach you everything from how to catch a fish to how to build an igloo. This works great for many subjects where, if you follow a procedure to the best of your abilities, you will get the required…

  • The Art and Science of Writing Nonfiction

    I think of the nonfiction scene as a hilly landscape. Everyone has their own hill or mound. The higher the mountain, the better is the quality of the prose. So let’s have a look at Mount Everest, shall we?

  • The Mystery of the Writing Process

    The Mystery of the Writing Process

    In school and college, I barely managed to pass in essays and other creative writing tests. Now I know why. The topics were already decided for me. It is very difficult for me to write on a pre-determined topic.