A blog that makes you think

Category: Self-help

  • Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

    Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

    You always see some books in a bookshop no matter what the current craze is or which wave is sweeping the YA section. These books will, of course, depend on the country, the culture etc. But you can be sure that the same candidates will occupy the shelves over generations. Each new generation is discovering these…

  • On Reading and Writing Articles

    On Reading and Writing Articles

    Some time back, I wrote about the skill-sets that you acquire while doing a PhD. One of them is public speaking. Another one is reading and writing articles. Every PhD student spends a lot of time reading research articles. As you keep on doing this for years, you develop a skill that is necessary to…

  • The Proud Unhealthy Indians

    The Proud Unhealthy Indians

    Despite being one, I am no closer to understanding Indians. Why is it that we were always ruled by foreign powers but never ventured too far from home to become rulers? If our ancient rulers had spent even half of the time and resources on science and innovation instead of religion, things would have been…