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Category: Movies

  • The Shawshank Redemption

    The Shawshank Redemption

    The Shawshank Redemption is the Casablanca of our generation.

  • Army of the Dead : Normalising the Zombies

    Army of the Dead : Normalising the Zombies

    The automobile industry was born in 1886 when when German inventor Karl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen. In 1908, Ford Motor Company made the Model T, first car that was made available to the masses. What if the movie industry was fully established by then? What kind of movies would have been made about this…

  • Why The Last Emperor is the Most Overrated Movie Ever

    Ang Lee, who has Taiwanese roots, made Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility come alive on screen with such fine sensitivity that I dare say, a British director could not have done better.