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Category: Indian movies

  • The Debate on Nepotism

    It’s very natural for parents to teach their children the special skills that they have learned. It’s also very natural for the children to absorb from their surroundings. As for the question of success, no one knows the formula. I think our time will be much better served thinking about how to make good art,…

  • Classic Legends With Javed Akhtar : A Bollywood Film Appreciation Course

    We live in a world where most TV programs have to produce something shocking just to survive. And yet, there is a quiet program where one man just talks for 40-45 minutes. Some movie clips are shown in between and that’s it. No manufactured drama or last minute reveals. So what makes Classic Legends With…

  • Why Do I Watch Old Movies? And You Should, Too.

    Why Do I Watch Old Movies? And You Should, Too.

    It’s what the film-maker shows inadvertently that makes these movies so interesting.