A blog that makes you think

Category: Science

  • Quantum Biology : A Fascinating Frontier

    Quantum Biology : A Fascinating Frontier

    As the field of quantum biology blossoms, scientists are finding more and more examples of biological phenomena that can only be explained by quantum mechanics. For instance, how can we identify over 10,000 distinct smells when we only have a few hundred olefactory receptors?

  • James Lovelock : Living Life On Your Own Terms

    James Lovelock : Living Life On Your Own Terms

    In the old days, that was how research was done – by independent scientists who supported themselves by any means available and carried out the research in their spare time.

  • The Magical Reality

    The Magical Reality

    If you could go back in time, meet any of the great minds, Pythagoras, Aryabhata or Newton and tell them about smartphones and internet, I guarantee that they all would want to come back with you.