A blog that makes you think

Month: August 2017

  • How to Take Memorable Photos During a Solar Eclipse

    How to Take Memorable Photos During a Solar Eclipse

    There is not much difference between images of eclipse taken from different parts of the world. Sure, there will be some change in colour depending on the conditions but essentially, it will just be a bright blob getting eaten by a dark one. Spectacular, but not original.

  • Why Do I Watch Old Movies? And You Should, Too.

    It’s what the film-maker shows inadvertently that makes these movies so interesting.

  • Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

    You always see some books in a bookshop no matter what the current craze is or which wave is sweeping the YA section. These books will, of course, depend on the country, the culture etc. But you can be sure that the same candidates will occupy the shelves over generations. Each new generation is discovering these…

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